Submit a Claim - Closed

The Claim Filing Deadline for Jimenez v TD Bank was October 22, 2023. Claims are no longer accepted.

If the Court approves the Settlement and it becomes final and effective, your Claim will be reviewed and, if approved, you will receive a check.

If you submitted a Basic Claim and there are sufficient funds, you will receive a Basic Payment of $125. If you submitted additional information and documentation for an Enhanced Claim and there are sufficient funds, you will receive an Enhanced Payment equal to any losses you sufficiently documented. If in either case there are not sufficient funds, the Settlement Agreement provides for proportional reductions in payments. In no instance will the Enhanced Payment be less than the Basic Payment. Your check will be mailed to the address provided on the Claim Form and you will give up your right to bring your own lawsuit against TD Bank about claims related to the reopening of your TD Bank consumer checking account during the Class Period.

For more information about the Settlement benefits available, please review the Long Form Notice, the Frequently Asked Questions, and the Settlement Agreement.